I bought this fiber in Rhinebeck years ago. I can't remember which year since I've been going for the past 6 years or so. I bought two pounds of it, which might be overkill, but I think I planned on making a sweater out of it right from the start!
If any of you have been following the Yarn Harlot, you'll know she's recently been talking about startitis. For whatever reason, I can absolutely relate. Perhaps it's the feeling of freedom now that the holiday knitting is complete, but I've started about 10 different things, not all of them knitting.
This past year, I taught myself how to make coasters. It's something that I've wanted to try for a long time since there was a decided lack of coasters in my life. Now that I'm 30, there's a certain desire to have nice things and keep the things I have nice. Somehow, a folded up piece of paper just wasn't cutting it in furniture protection area.
There's still plenty to be done with them though. As you can see, I'm busy getting the designs put on.
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